

$0.00 - $50.00


Don't tell me I haven't got Balls
Don't tell me I haven't got Balls
After Gossiping about me please pray for me i want to be perfect like you
After Gossiping about me please pray for me i want to be perfect like you
For anyone who thinks A woman's place is in the kitchen
For anyone who thinks A woman's place is in the kitchen
I am who I am like me love me take me leave me
I am who I am like me love me take me leave me
I can not be held responsible For what my face does
I can not be held responsible For what my face does
I don't care What anyone says good People
I don't care What anyone says good People
I may be old but i still remeber
I may be old but i still remeber
I spent my 20s Being a Full-timeparent
I spent my 20s Being a Full-timeparent
if you don't want the truth don't aks me
if you don't want the truth don't aks me
If you find me Offensive then I suggest You Stop Finding me
If you find me Offensive then I suggest You Stop Finding me
If you see me talking to myself
If you see me talking to myself
I'm a Cranky chubby woman
I'm a Cranky chubby woman
I'm a Multitasker
I'm a Multitasker
I'm nit an Jerk I'm actually one of the nicest people
I'm nit an Jerk I'm actually one of the nicest people
I'm not old I'm aged to Perfection and full-bodied
I'm not old I'm aged to Perfection and full-bodied
My Favorite winter activity is going
My Favorite winter activity is going
My goal is to be that old person that everyone is afraid to take out
My goal is to be that old person that everyone is afraid to take out
there's no need to drive me crazy I'm close enough to walk
there's no need to drive me crazy I'm close enough to walk
Unless I am sitting on Your Face
Unless I am sitting on Your Face
When i was young I was Poor
When i was young I was Poor
Back off I've got enough to deal with today
Back off I've got enough to deal with today
Buckle up buttercup i'm that Cranky short woman people warned you about
Buckle up buttercup i'm that Cranky short woman people warned you about